Digital Health as Social Medicine

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We are in the midst of a technological revolution — the transformation of deep learning. Until recently, computerized systems operated strictly according to rules established by experts and coded into a computer language. Today, more and more systems are based on mechanized self-learning from examples collected in large databases, in a process called “deep learning”. Automatic tagging of friends in social networks, automatic detection of suspicious activity by security cameras, robotic trading of currencies and securities, computerized translation from language to language and many other applications are based on deep learning.

Deep learning has a strong affinity for big data providers on the one hand, deep learning is the accepted algorithmic basis for analyzing big data; on the other hand, big data is essential for deep learning.

Therefore, access to databases is a new key to wealth, and the comparison between databases and oil reservoirs is recognized. Companies that have exclusive access to large databases, such as providers of search engines and social networks, have a market value sometimes approaching $1 trillion.