On this page you will find press reports, radio, phuscasts and more.
Releasing the hostages, eradicating Hamas, rehabilitating and developing Gaza while winning support of Gazans - is it possible?
In the third weekend of November 2024, an advertisement for the book appeared in several major Israeli newspapers, including a publication in the" Jerusalem Post " and "Al-Sonara"
ראיון על השפעת בינה מלאכותית על שוק העבודה בישראל עם אור כהן רביב - על המחקר המרתק, שבצעה יחד עם עומר מנור ועוסק בהשפעת הבינה מלאכותית על אי שוויון בשוק העבודה והקבוצות הפגיעות ביותר לאבד את עבודתן.
שרגא בירן מייסד המכון מתראיין בדמוקרט TV על תוכנית אסטרטגית מרחבית לשיקום ופיתוח הנגב המערבי
ריאיון בערוץ 14 עם עו"ד שרגא בירן על מצבם הקשה של ישובי עוטף עזה ואיך ניתן לשקם את הפריפריה אחרי המלחמה
יום האישה לא נושא השנה בשורות משמחות עבור נשים בשוק העבודה בישראל. חקרים חדשים שמתפרסמים כאן לראשונה מגלים כי המלחמה פגעה מבחינה תעסוקתית בעיקר בנשים, גם כאלה שבני זוגן לא גויסו למילואים: הנשים הן אלה שנאלצו להישאר בבית עם הילדים, התקשו לתפקד בעבודה, וכתוצאה מכך הוצאו לחל"ת, פוטרו או ששכרן קוצץ
הדברים נאמרו על ידי אלון דוידי, ראש עיריית שדרות, בוועידת חידוש העוטף של "ידיעות תקשורת", שעסקה בחידוש ושיקום יישובי עוטף עזה מאז ה-7/10. בהמשך דבריו העריך: "צה"ל יצטרך להישאר ברצועת ביטחון בעזה לאורך שנים"
דברים נרגשים נשא בפתיחת ועידת חידוש העוטף של ידיעות תקשורת, שהתקיימה באוניברסיטת רייכמן, עו"ד שרגא בירן, נשיא מייסד, המכון לרפורמות מבניות
התוכנית המהפכנית שהציג עו"ד שרגא בירן ונערכה בשיתוף משרד האדריכלים הידוע קולקר־קולקר־אפשטיין, תגדיל למיליון את מספר התושבים בנגב המערבי ותמשוך משפחות רבות מכל רחבי הארץ. גם מזכ"ל התנועה הקיבוצית הודיע כי הוא תומך בה בפאנל מיוחד שעסק בנושא בוועידת חידוש העוטף של "ידיעות תקשורת"
בזמן שהגברים שלהן נמצאים במלחמה, נשות המילואימניקים קורסות תחת הנטל. בניגוד למלחמות העבר, הפעם מדובר באתגר מורכב במיוחד. פאנל מיוחד נערך בנושא בוועידת "גיבורות מקומיות" של ידיעות תקשורת שנערכה במכללה האקדמית נתניה
The Tkuma Administration aims to increase housing and population near the Gaza Strip border, and attract a strong population to the area. A document drafted by the Institute for Structural Reforms proposes a broader planning of the entire northwestern Negev, including Netivot and Ofakim, as a sequence that continues the coastal plain settlements up to Beersheba
Thousands of protected apartments across Tkuma region and the northern border are stuck because of bureaucracy. In Ashkelon, only two plans for urban regeneration in the authorities-initiated route have been approved, and seven plans in the route are in planning. In Sderot, only one program is promoted on the same route, as is the case in Kiryat Shmona. This is how the construction of sheltered apartments is delayed.
The economic disparities in Israel are also reflected in the level of accessibility to protection — according to a study by the Institute for Structural Reform, there are huge disparities between cities in the level of protection — which are often unrelated to the degree of threat to residents.
Planning, approval of plans and actual construction are lengthy processes. When you add the formation of tenants to the equation as well, you get extremely long and unreasonable periods of time. Why do urban regeneration processes have to take so long? How do you shorten them? And is it possible at all otherwise?
Down payment and thoughtful distribution of payments in land offerings to entrepreneurs, contractor loans to buyers, balloon loans until the sale of the old apartment to housing improvers, bringing an “army” of laborers from the Far East, retrofit (preservation and adaptation of an old structure) and much more
A new study by the Institute for Structural Reforms reexamines all the changes that Israeli citizens really need to make our lives here better, and note: judicial reform is not one of them
Is the inflation in housing prices in Israel a fate decreed or are the solutions just under your nose? Legislative arrangements, correct housing and planning policies, land marketing and expanding financing options. All the solutions at the Globes Housing Crisis Conference and the Institute for Structural Reforms.
Cultural differences and possible courses of action to deal with the housing crisis. Historical comparison and modes of action in other countries of the world.
Analysis of mortgage lending volumes in Israel, their effects on mortgage takers and banks' profits as a result.
Let's clear our heads and start all over again. No myths, no prejudices, no defense mechanisms, out of a desire for social justice and economic equality on the one hand and entrepreneurial profit on the other. Familiarize yourself with the Ten Commandments formulated by the Institute for Structural Reforms led by Attorney Shraga Byrne. Required: A National Task Force for the Implementation of the Ten Commandments to Establish a National Housing Policy/Ofer Petersburg
Containment of housing prices - how to do it right When “supply” has long been not the solution, and discount promotions are a mockery, a recalculation of trajectory is required here. I met for a chat with economist and commentator Prof. Shlomo Maoz, who gives here an amazing glimpse of the behind the scenes of the real estate market
“Failure to pass the metro law was one of the difficult moments of the outgoing Knesset,” said MK Rabbi Gilad Karib, chairman of the Constitution Committee, Globes housing crisis conference in collaboration with the Institute for Structural Reforms • He said, “It is a law that enjoys broad support, and from very narrow considerations of specific members, it could not be advanced” • Dalit Zilber, Executive Director of the Planning Administration: “The Tel Aviv metropolis will collapse if there is no metro”
The National Strategic Plan on Housing does not recognize and does not take into account the housing needs of about 750 thousand families from the bottom ten • This is stated in a position paper on behalf of the Institute for Structural Reforms • “No land price for the top ten is lawful for a land price for an apartment for the homeless and equity”
Urban renewal is, first of all, a social enterprise. For all the good it offers, it cannot be promoted without recognizing the property rights of property owners, according to the Institute for Structural Reforms
In an official document, the Planning Administration states that flooding the market with apartments is not the solution and does not stand up to reality. Similar to the position of the Institute for Structural Reforms, the Planning Administration believes that there should be a shift to a segmented supply that takes into account factors such as "household size, characteristics of the residents (age and special needs), and their economic ability to purchase or rent the apartment."
Shraga Biran talks in Israel's Real Estate Program about the generous terms that banks receive from the state, which allow them to gain unusually large funds at the expense of mortgage lenders.
Breaking myths and suggestions for ways of action through policies and legislation to solve the housing crisis in a conversation with Shraga Biran and Prof. Chaim Zandberg.
The top of the Ministry of Construction and Housing met with senior officials of the construction industry within the framework of the Real Estate Today conference on the housing market, in cooperation with the Institute for Structural Reforms and the Foundation for the Encouragement and Development of the Construction Industry in Israel
The housing market in Israel is based on perceptions that have no grasp of reality. Is there really no building space in the country? Are prices determined by the free market? A thought-provoking study by the Institute for Structural Reforms, led by Attorney Shraga Biran
The founder of the Institute for Structural Reforms describes the failure of the state to citizens to keep the promises that urban renewal programs were supposed to bring with them, and how the situation can be rectified.
In the weekly talk Real Estate podcast, we will host veteran lawyer Shraga Biran, chairman of the Institute for Structural Reforms, in a heartfelt conversation about helping the disadvantaged. The formula developed by the experienced man who thawed thousands of acres across the country into hundreds of thousands of housing units in forty years poses a challenge to the new government - the construction of 7,000 buildings from north to south that will solve all the tribulations of poverty in Israel. A mission certainly possible.
Poverty and Inequality in Israel 2018 School of Social and Policy Studies Tel Aviv University
Lecture on class and capital dispersion in society. The end of capitalism: the beginning of a new era? School of Social and Policy Studies Tel Aviv University
Measures of intergenerational mobility in wages describe the relationship between parents' economic background and their children's success in the labor market, and concern the fundamental idea of equal opportunity. In this study, a comprehensive database of administrative data was used to measure intergenerational mobility in Israel.
Trends in inequality and poverty rates in 2002—2014. To what extent trends in inequality in working age are influenced by changes in inequality between population groups (non-Haredi Jews, ultra-Orthodox, and Arabs) and to what extent they are affected by changes within population groups.
the Gatsby graph and the mathematical context describing inequality in Israel. How should the relationship between social mobility and inequality in Israel be analyzed with appropriate mathematical tools.
Comments of the Minister of Construction and Housing Yoav Galant
Remarks of Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai
Moran Moshe Khanzis, research director in the Macro and Forecasts team at the Treasury's Chief Economist Division, presented her study “A New Perspective on Inequality in Israel"
Journalistic review of urban renewal programs.
Shraga Biran, founder of the Institute for Structural Reforms, at the conference Rethink Economics Studies.
New study: Alongside widening gaps in society, in the past 30 years the proportion of wealthy households living in luxury neighborhoods in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Beersheba has doubled - as has the proportion of poor households in slums.
Shraga Biran talks about how the capital that the public loses from Israeli gas exports affects the cost of the price, the deprivation of public resources and the increase of real estate prices.
The difficulties and challenges that led to the housing protest are described by the protestors. Description of the problem and its causes and how it can be remedied by appropriate legislation for young and poor couples.
Shraga Birn speaks at a conference at Tel Aviv University on the principles of the “Urban Renewal” bill