Housing and Urban Renewal
Socio-Economic Inequality
Technology and Society
Poverty Fundamentalism and Terror
Spatial plan for the Western Negev
Research to resolve
The Institute for Structural Reforms has been engaged in the field of national housing policy for over a decade. The Institute proposes a program of broad, long-term national housing policy with clear goals and objectives, which is not subject to an exchange of government. Our program is based on solutions for the different segments of the population and especially for the weaker strata, young couples, the elderly and the middle class.
The Institute for Structural Reforms research both income and wealth inequality. While income is derived from work, wealth can be accumulated from financial capital as well as property ownership. We examine these economic-social inequalities, their affect and variation in Israeli society.
The health care system in Israel at its roots is a universal public system. Medical institutions benefit from the big data they collect from their customers (us patients) and thus save billions of shekels on the operation of trials and data aggregation. A person has a property right over his body and therefore the financial profit and information generated from the use of this data should be streamed and accessible to us customers as well. Thus, we will promote socially advanced, accessible and working medicine for the common good.
The Institute for Structural Reforms aims to promote research and reforms in the field of AI to reduce economic and social inequality. For example, focusing on AI in education can help bridge the gap between children and teenagers in central areas and those in peripheral regions. Initiatives like these can lead to increased employment opportunities and higher incomes for marginalized populations.
Additional Areas
The Institute also deals with other research areas such as poverty, fundamentalism and terrorism, the Israel Wealth Fund, intellectual property and private property, capital centralization and social privatization, etc.